portfolio site

Hi, name's M. I make websites and other stuff on the internet sometimes.

[under construction]

spreadsheet stuff

One of my hobbies besides webdesign here is making spreadsheets for various information. One of the ones I've put a lot of work into is fish data that has some controls that let you modify how the data is displayed across the sheets that process a database of fish information into something readable. There's no external code for this one, everything is contained within the formulas that Google Sheets allows.

My personal spreadsheet that tracks every episode of every podcast I've listened to, and I've kept updated since 2019 has about 6k rows. I learned how to do fun SQL things in Google Sheets so it also tells me what 20 shows I've listened to the most each year.


So the thing I'm taking the longest to update/transfer over is this project I did years ago where I wanted to figure out as much as I could about this cipher-language used in the video game, Dragon Age. The thing I made was essentially a massive collection of flashcards that you could organize on your screen with Masonry, so that you could compare word particles to each other and look for patterns. For the sake of this, I should make the base version of the project without the really intense database behind it. It's still useful like that.